My fun little interview & "Babe Sessions" feature is now up on Feather Hearts...check it out here!

FH: Where are you from?
Born in Toronto and now I'm finishing up school in Florida and am in LA as much as possible.

FH: You have a blog, please share?
Fire on the Head! I started it as sort of a wish list and have since added personal style, inspiration and little editorials I style and photograph. It's developing along with my own style and I'm very excited for the future.

FH: What do you do when you're not in front of the camera?
I like to pretend I'm a photographer and love to style and shoot my little sister, Adria. I also love nerding out and watching the history channel.

FH: Describe your style?
I like to keep it pretty simple and a little boyish. I love denim, tees, leather, minimal accesories and neutral colors. I live in vans but sometimes a stiletto just pulls a pair of baggie jeans and tee together.

FH: Coffee or Tea?
Couldn't live without my Starbucks venti iced americano (with sugarfree vanilla and a splash of soy.)

FH: Anyone you're crushin' on at the moment?
Major girl crushin on photog babe Zoey Grossman, blogger Mija at Creators of Desire and the super inspiring Amanda Shadforth of Oracle Fox.

FH: Right or left side of the bed?
Right side fo show.

FH: If you had to do a Flash Mob what would it be and where?
Uhhh..what's a flash mob? Hahah kidding. Hmm probably some kind of crazy dance in the middle of Times Square wearing 80's workout gear. Something dorky and super fun.

FH: Any last words?
Yolo? Ha I don't know...I guess it's just important to remember that the universe tends to make things right. If you are really passionate about something, you'll find a way to make it work.
I had alot of fun with my "five days of denim" Koral collaboration! Obviously being the denim fanatic that I am, I almost peed myself when the brand reached out me. I literally had a note saved on my phone dating back to October 12th, 2012 "Koral 1-month Skinny" after I had tried on the pair in American Rag. Now here I am with a fully stocked drawer of Koral jeans for every day of the week. I would say I may never need another pair of jeans again, but you and I both know that's a lie. I WILL say that I am set for a while and can't wait to work these jeans into future posts. 

"Up and coming fashion blogger, Rima Vaidila of, gives us her week in Koral denim. Each 
day for the past five days she effortlessly worked a pair of Koral jeans into her outfit, showing how denim 
truly can be worn every day of the week."

These are my favorite pair!! High rise skinny in "one month"

See the full feature here!
My instagram pics featured on Forever 21's blog as a part of "21 Days of LA!" Yay! 

Check out the F21 blog posts here!

Walked out of my calculus class last night and opened up my instagram to a million gazillion notifications. A few screenshot-ed texts later and I see that @nastygal posted a pic from my most recent personal style post (this one!) featuring the bomb-dot-com Insight "Python Art" Skinnies!! I almost peed myself! I;m honored to be featured on their blog for "Nasty Gal's Do It Better!" 

Check out my feature and get your shop on! 

" Rima Vaidila of Fire On The Head puts her spin on cool girl staples in a graphic white tee with rolled sleeves and perfectly faded floral skinnies by Insight. Add some lace-up sneakers, a slime green board and one super shaggy bob (that we seriously want to copy), and you've got a laid-back look that's ready to ride straight into summer."

Nasty Gal's DO do it better, duh!
