Friday, May 29, 2015

denim days

I love a good Canadian tuxedo. Maybe because I am from Toronto but most likely because it's easy and looks hella cool. Rails is one of my favorite button down brands because every piece is super soft, especially this denim shirt. Although I'd normally pair this top with black skinnies (booooring, I know) I decided to get with the summer season and wear my trusty levis cutoffs. I found this vintage pair a while back in a pile of random sh*t at a yard sale. They fit a little big but I'm into it as it feels much more "cool-girl" than the levis booty shorts I'm starting to see again. Sun's out doesn't always have to mean buns out....

Rima Vaidila wearing
Rails Denim Shirt (similar here)
Photos by Nicholas Maggio

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  1. Denim on denim done so well! I love this look, and this looks like the perfect chambray.

    Shae @

  2. Love the shorts! I've been pulling off denim on denim as well lately, I just love it!


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